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Store and retrieve delegations

You can use methods provided by the DelegationStorageClient to store and retrieve delegations.


Configure a DelegationStorageClient

Import the DelegationStorageClient and configure it using your API key and API key ID:

import { DelegationStorageClient, DelegationStorageEnvironment } from "@codefi/delegator-core-viem";

const delegationStorageClient = new DelegationStorageClient({
apiKey: "<YOUR-API-KEY>",
apiKeyId: "<YOUR-API-KEY-ID>",
environment: DelegationStorageEnvironment.production

Store a delegation

To store a delegation, use the storeDelegation method of the DelegationStorageClient. This method takes one parameter:

  1. delegation - A DelegationStruct object representing the delegation to be stored.


const delegation: DelegationStruct = {
delegate: "0xD5142498A04b8b1198a788F3B443edC0a0CB865b",
delegator: "0x8DF9cb41c9A70FF8b97F69Cd87d11996629B50A4...",
authority: "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
caveats: [],
salt: 0n,
signature: "0x082fd634e47b06a5fd7d3dce5eb288af9c1e1961fa2c1f49f9f7f1be1e9905f56694a3c85cfa3c652a953f8968e48d723de0d56a680906d67378306547d8a078b7",

const delegationHash = await delegationStorageClient.storeDelegation(delegation);

Retrieve a delegation chain

To retrieve a delegation chain, use the getDelegationChain method of the DelegationStorageClient. This method takes a single parameter:

  1. leafDelegationOrDelegationHash - Either a DelegationStruct object or the delegation hash as a hex string.

A delegation can be a "root" delegation, where its authority is 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. It can also be a child of another delegation, where its authority is the hash of its parent delegation. This method returns the delegation referenced by leafDelegationOrDelegationHash and any ancestors.


const delegationHash: Hex = "0xdf2750b9309221aa5b78bede5edb6610c7fcf50366b6261112ba7588549e76d9";

const delegationChain: DelegationStruct[] = await delegationStorageClient.getDelegationChain(delegationHash);