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Hello Gator quickstart

You can run the hello-gator quickstart to get started quickly with the MetaMask Delegation Toolkit. The quickstart demonstrates creating a delegator account and completing the delegation lifecycle (creating, signing, and redeeming a delegation).


Ensure you have access to the private hello-gator repository. If you need to gain access, provide the MetaMask Delegation team with your GitHub username.


1. Set up the quickstart

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate into the repository and install the dependencies:

cd hello-gator && yarn install

2. Run the quickstart

In the root of the project, run the quickstart:

yarn dev

By default, Hello Gator runs at https://localhost:3000 (it will try other ports if something is already using 3000). Navigate to the quickstart example at https://localhost:3000/examples/quickstart.

The following code shows how the quickstart creates a MetaMaskSmartAccount and completes the delegation lifecycle.

You can view the project source code on GitHub.

import {
type Call,
type DelegationStruct,
type ExecutionStruct,
} from "@metamask-private/delegator-core-viem";
import { privateKeyToAccount, generatePrivateKey } from "viem/accounts";
import {
} from "../shared";
import { type Address, type Hex, isAddressEqual, zeroAddress } from "viem";

* Create a new MetaMaskSmartAccount representing a Hybrid Delegator Smart
* Account where the signer is a "burner" account.
* @resolves to the MetaMaskSmartAccount instance.
export const createMetaMaskAccount = async () => {
const owner = privateKeyToAccount(generatePrivateKey());

return await toMetaMaskSmartAccount({
client: publicClient,
implementation: Implementation.Hybrid,
deployParams: [owner.address, [], [], []],
deploySalt: createSalt(),
signatory: { account: owner },

* Create and sign a root delegation, from the delegatorAccount, to the
* delegateAddress, allowing only a transfer of 0 ether to the zero address.
* @param delegatorAccount - The MetaMaskSmartAccount that is creating the delegation.
* @param delegateAddress - The address of the recipient of the delegation.
* @resolves to the signed delegation.
export const createDelegation = async (
delegatorAccount: MetaMaskSmartAccount<Implementation>,
delegateAddress: Address
) => {
// These caveats are allowing only a transfer of 0 ether to the zero address.
// Not a very useful operation, but it demonstrates how caveats that can be
// applied to a delegation.
const caveats = createCaveatBuilder(delegatorAccount.environment)
.addCaveat("allowedTargets", [zeroAddress])
.addCaveat("valueLte", 0n);

const delegation = createRootDelegation(
// The salt is used to create a unique delegation for each call.
const signature = await delegatorAccount.signDelegation({ delegation });

return {

* Redeem the delegation, executing a zero value Call to the zero address. If
* the Delegator is not deployed, a Call will be inserted to deploy the account
* before redeeming the delegation.
* @param redeemerAccount - The MetaMaskSmartAccount redeeming the delegation.
* Must be the `delegate` on the delegation.
* @param delegation - The delegation being redeemed.
* @param delegatorFactoryArgs - The factoryArgs for the delegator account, if
* the account is not deployed.
* @resolves to the UserOperationHash, once it has been settled on chain.
export const executeOnBehalfOfDelegator = async (
redeemerAccount: MetaMaskSmartAccount<Implementation>,
delegation: DelegationStruct,
delegatorFactoryArgs?: { factory: Address; factoryData: Hex }
) => {
if (!isAddressEqual(redeemerAccount.address, delegation.delegate)) {
throw new Error(
`Redeemer account address not equal to delegate. Redeemer: ${redeemerAccount.address}, delegate: ${delegation.delegate}`

const delegationChain = [delegation];

// The action that the redeemer is executing on behalf of the delegator.
const executions: ExecutionStruct[] = [
target: zeroAddress,
value: 0n,
callData: "0x",

const redeemDelegationCalldata = DelegationFramework.encode.redeemDelegations(

const calls: Call[] = [
to: redeemerAccount.address,
data: redeemDelegationCalldata,

// If the delegator account is not deployed, it must be deployed before
// redeeming the delegation.
if (delegatorFactoryArgs) {
const { factory, factoryData } = delegatorFactoryArgs;

to: factory,
data: factoryData,

const feePerGas = await getFeePerGas();

const userOperationHash = await bundlerClient.sendUserOperation({
account: redeemerAccount,

// This could be in a separate function, for a more responsive user operation,
// but we leave it here for simplicity.
return await bundlerClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
hash: userOperationHash,